All you need to know about Iso

VALORANT has one of the most varied agent selections in the gaming industry, spanning from the Philippines to Los Angeles and all points in between. Riot Games is prepared to bring the 24th agent into the battle, despite the fact that there are already a great deal of diverse characters with a wide range of abilities to pick from. In the most recent State of the Agents developer blog post from September, character producer John Goscicki gave a sneak peek at the newest agent. This agent is precise and will fill the void for ego peekers who want to aim down mid, grab a pick or two, and lead their teammates on the scoreboard. Finally, on October 19, VALORANT fans received all the information they had been waiting for about the new agent Iso, including his lore background and ability kit. This is all the information we currently know about Agent 24, the upcoming duelist joining VALORANT.
ISO's abilities
Iso's ability kit is designed specifically for mechanically inclined players who have spent endless hours honing their skills at the training range or Aim Labs. It is ideal for players who prioritize accuracy and confidence.
Double tap (E):

Begin a focus timer. Enter a flow state once completed. During this state, any enemy you kill or damage generates an energy orb. When you shoot it, you gain a shield that absorbs one damage from any source.

Undercut (Q):
Equip yourself with a molecular bolt. Toss it forward, applying a brief fragile to all players it comes into contact with. The bolt is capable of passing through solid objects such as walls.

Contingency (C):
Equip yourself to assemble prismatic energy. Fire to create an impenetrable wall of energy that deflects bullets.

Kill Contract (X):
Set up a multidimensional arena. Fire to launch an energy column across the battlefield, dragging you and the first enemy hit into the arena for a specific period of time (50 seconds). You and your opponent are fighting to the death.

Kill Contract and Double Tap were designed to let players move with confidence, but Contingency may be the most useful tool of all since it lets Iso completely block angles, allowing for safe access to a location.
Iso's character
Iso is an experienced assassin with a deadly reputation who works as a Chinese fixer for hire. Several Kingdom mercenaries characterize him as "a bulletproof wizard" who can eliminate "an entire squad with one round" in the reveal trailer. Iso's nickname, "The Dead Lilac," alludes to "the purple flash you see before you die," and this mercenary bore it as well. Although the original wording implied a possible flash ability, this seems to be referring to the effect of the Kill Contract ability. After eliminating the Kingdom targets at the conclusion of his trailer, Iso is given a new target to take out: Omen. It is said that Iso has eliminated all individuals associated with Kingdom's investigation into an enigmatic substance.